Speedster Power Leaper™



Medium Heavy Ultra Heavy

Speedster Power Leaper™



Medium Heavy Ultra Heavy
Product description

Athletic Trainers use this product at home, so can you. Your son or daughter could be training at home with mom or dad safety. Speed, Agility and Jump Training Gear for home. Athletic Trainers Top Pick

Great for Long and Triple Jumpers
Out Jump your opponents!


  • Powerful Forward Jumping Thrust and Explosion for longer leaps.


  • 1 - Adjustable Padded Harness
  • 1 - 4' Lightning Cord  
  • 1 – Anchor Strap
Available in 3 Resistance Levels
Power speed agility and jump training resistance band equipment. Made in America for football basketball softball soccer hockey baseball volleyball  training
American Made Resistance Bands with safety sleeve. For Training, fitness and exercise in sports